MAH Registry

Welcome to the MAH Registry! 

The Registry is voluntary, and is a group of midwives who are currently nationally certified and licensed in Hawaii. Midwives who join the registry are able to: 

  • List their business information in our "Find A Midwife" directory;

  • File their births through the registry with the State of Hawaii;

  • Utilize a Community Birth Transfer Form;

  • Connect with other midwives for professional peer review; 

  • Be supported through Special Circumstance Review when needed; and

  • More!

To join the MAH Registry please review the requirements below, complete the online application, pay your $50 annual fee, submit your online peer review form and any additional required documents. Further instructions will be emailed to you once you have completed all of your documents.

It is important you read these documents and complete them thoroughly.  If your forms are incomplete, processing will be delayed.


Application Checklist

  1. Complete Registry Application form  Annually

  2. Have current national certification and Hawaii license /  Update upon expiration

  3. Review HRS 622-58 regarding retention of medical records/  Annually

  4. Email practice documents if needed (must be blank – no client info)  /  Provide & update as necessary to

  5. Complete Peer Review form/ Annually

  6. Submit Payment / Select Registry $50 from PayPal Checkout button

MAH Fees

Filing Birth Certificates

Complete the following items with the family:

  • Complete the birth certificate worksheet (BCW) and notification of birth (NOB)

    • Complete the voluntary establishment of paternity (VEP) if applicable

    • Complete refusals for the hearing screen and newborn metabolic screen if applicable.

    • All documents that require a witness signature must be witnessed by the licensed midwife

  • Upload the documents to Sync through the upload link that was emailed to you for the year

  • Pay for each BCW to be filed. Select BCW $25 from PayPal Checkout button

Looking for instructions or documents regarding the MAH Registry or birth certificate filing? Check your Sync link previously emailed to you for access to MAH Registry documents. Running out of Period of PURPLE Crying booklets, Safe Sleep materials, VEP brochures, yellow VEP envelopes, or any other materials? Notify your island representative and they can ensure you get these. If you have any questions, reach out to your island representative. 

  • Maui: Melissa Chong

  • Hawaii Island: Taylor Hamil

MAH Registry Requirements

MAH Registry applications are open to midwives who are currently licensed in the State of Hawaii. Please be prepared to provide your up to date certification and license number.

The Registry Application is completed annually and expires on December 31 of each year. We encourage renewal by January 1. 

Please select “Registry $50” on the PayPal button on this MAH Registry page and submit your payment. You are able to pay with your PayPal account, credit card or debit card. If you prefer to mail a check, please send it to our mailing address found at the bottom of the page.

Each midwife must complete the Peer Review Form with their initial application, and annually by December 31 for renewal of the following year. 

Please Note: If your application and fee is not received by January 1, your birth certificate filing access and website listing will be suspended until payment is received. 

Within the application, please indicate which electronic health record system or paper packet you utilize, or submit blank copies of your practice documents if you have developed custom documents according to MANA, NARM, ACNM, and/or ACOG standards. If you are submitting your custom documents, please be sure to email or share the following with

Antepartum (inclusive of initial intake), intrapartum, postpartum and newborn exam. Transport form not required for submission; MAH will provide you with a standardized transport form to be utilized by Registry midwives.

Each midwife will attest that they have information and disclosures for clients regarding themselves as a midwife, their midwifery practice and professional liability coverage status; notification of privacy practices including HIPAA; informed consent to midwifery care, and maternal and newborn procedures; their scope of practice and which conditions necessitate referral and/or transfer of care; notification of birth certificate filing process; consent for newborn procedures; notification of transfer procedure; and notification of grievance process with their certifying body (NARM or AMCB) and their licensing department (RICO).